Terms and Conditions

Last updated June 13th , 2024.

Please carefully read these terms and conditions that regulate the provision of the Service offered by Incline IQ through the website.

Incline IQ is entitled to charge the Customer the price for the provision of the Services; to request the Client to deliver the realization of a bank deposit, in an acceptable form or amount, in order to guarantee the obligations assumed by the Client during the validity of these terms and conditions;, to introduce changes or technological improvements in the Services provided, provided that such improvements do not adversely affect the Client, nor imply an increase in the agreed prices; and to interrupt the Services to undertake all those tasks that it deems necessary and / or convenient in order to undertake improvements and / or restructuring in it, as well as to carry out maintenance operations of the Service.

Incline IQ undertakes (a) to provide the Services in accordance with the established terms and to make its best efforts to ensure the provision of the Services on an uninterrupted basis twenty-four (24) hours a day, (07) days a week.

Incline IQ will not be responsible for circumstances or events beyond its control, such as the delay, interruption, or malfunction of the Services attributable to third party operators or service companies, lack of access to third party networks, acts or omissions of the Authorities or acts of God or force majeure.

The Client will have the right to use the contracted Service under the terms and conditions agreed in these terms and conditions and to receive information regarding the development and implementation of new and/or complementary functionalities to the contracted Services. The Client may exercise the right of withdrawal from this Contract without justification or penalty, only in cases where each and every one of the following requirements are met:

  • That the Client is considered a consumer or user as defined by current legislation on the Defense of Consumers and Users.
  • That the Contract has been concluded at a distance, that is, without the physical presence of the parties involved and that the conditions contained therein have not been negotiated between the parties.
  • That the service resulting from the agreement is not personalized for the Client.
  • That the services have not been fully executed.

For this purpose, a consumer or user is considered to be a natural person who acts for a purpose unrelated to their commercial, business, trade, or profession.


All our services are indicated in US dollars.


With respect to the prices of the services, the customer will be charged the prices set out in the relevant section, as offered on the website. Prices include value added tax as provided by applicable laws in the United Mexican States (16%).

In addition to the purchase price, the customer shall be responsible for defraying all taxes incurred, including value added, excise, use, privilege, ad valorem, customs and any other taxes, levies, fees or similar charges, taxes levied or increased under any law, rule, ordinance or regulation municipal, state, federal, international or any other nation with respect to the services sold to the customer. In the event that the seller, for any reason, is obliged to pay such taxes, the buyer shall, upon request, immediately refund such amounts to the seller. The customer shall provide, at the request of the seller, any tax exemption certificate.

In addition, to the extent required by applicable laws in each country, customers agree to send us duly completed tax forms, to enable us to make all required filings with the tax authorities.


We may change prices and/or introduce added charges in addition to prices at our sole discretion upon thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the User.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, we may increase prices, immediately and with contemporaneous notice.


The price of the services will be paid in advance by credit card or other payment method accepted on the website.


To provide any service, it will be necessary to cover 100% of the amount including taxes.


Payments can be made via credit or debit card accepted.

We are not responsible for delays in our services in cases of fortuitous or force majeure. Under no circumstances will Incline IQ pay penalties for late delivery of our services.


By mutual agreement between the parties expressly expressed in writing.

By early termination in accordance with the terms and conditions developed in the following clause. In any case, the termination of the contractual relationship will not exonerate the parties from compliance with outstanding obligations.


Neither party shall be liable for delay in the performance of its obligations or for non-performance of its obligations if such failure is due to force majeure. This shall be communicated to the other party as soon as possible.


Each of the parties acknowledges the ownership of the other or any other third parties with respect to all its intellectual and industrial property rights, and other similar rights over elements, technology, trademarks, logos and any other element, creation, invention, or distinctive sign of its property.


The covenants and Clauses that make up this Agreement shall be interpreted and governed by the applicable Law of Incline IQ Mexico.

The parties agree to submit for the resolution of conflicts arising from the interpretation, application, or compliance with these General Conditions to the Courts.


The Client may not assign, transfer, encumber or subrogate in favor of third parties this contractual relationship, nor the rights and obligations derived from it, without the prior written consent of Incline IQ.


Incline IQ reserves the right to unilaterally modify the presentation, configuration, and operation of the Service, provided that such modification does not affect the functionality or commitments of the Service acquired, nor does it imply any increase in the agreed prices.

When Incline IQ introduces any modification, it will proceed to notify the terms of the modification one (1) month before the date on which the modification is to be effective.

Contact Us

For more information about the Terms and Conditions, if you have questions or if you wish to file a complaint, please contact us.


Address: Cuidad de México, México.

Phone: +1 888 775 7841